sabato 27 giugno 2009

First Fashionista!

E' d'obbligo per ogni blog di moda che si rispetti parlare della primissima fashion victim della storia... Ne hanno parlato in tanti...c'è chi l'ha odiata e chi l'ha amata...chi l'ha venerata e chi l'ha distrutta...era fragile e sola...e ad una regina ciò non è concesso ne allora ne oggi...un mito per alcuni...una vera ICON!

If you begin to write a fashion blog it's obbligatory to talk about the first fashionista of history...A lot of people talked about her...someone hated her...someone loved her...someone worship her and someone destroy her...she was lonely and weak...and to a queen this isn't admitted either in the past or in the present...for someone she is a mith...a real ICON!

2 commenti:

  1. I love Sofia Coppola's film about this lady. I'm not sure she's the first fashionista though...Cleopatra for one was apparently pretty amazing. ;)

  2. i don't know if cleopatra was the first fashionista but i think that no other perosn lanched so many trends like she did...i think she is amazing...for her life and for tìwhat she was
